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Please view our Extensive History of Successful project planning
Solomon Operating Model Transition
Fortesque Metals Group

Formalised & managed plans for numerous workstream activities occurring concurrently to enable a coordinated approach for the rapid transition of the operating model at FMG's Solomon mine from contractor to owner operated within a period of 13 weeks.

West Pilbara Iron ore Project
Australian Premium Iron JV

Planned, updated and tracked the Approvals process for the Construction of the Port Rail & Mine, as well as developed the Operational Readiness plan in preparation for the operation of the Mine, Rail & Port

Dumper Automatic Spotting of Locomotives, (DASL) project
BHP Billiton (Iron Ore)

Utilised Microsoft Project to develop the initial plan for the Automation of Dumpers at BHP Billiton’s Port Hedland rail yard (this plan was eventually converted to Primavera)

Product Quality System Refurbishment
Cliffs Natural Resources

Planned, setup, updated and tracked the progress of the PQS Refurbishment project plans.

C&CS Divisional Project Plans
Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC)

Developed Microsoft Project plans for the various projects that were being carried out by the division located in Adelaide. The progress of these plans were updated, tracked & reported on remotely from Peth via the internet.

Operational Readiness Project Planning
Oakajee Port And Rail (OPR)

Developed the Operational Readiness Plans for the Oakajee Port & Rail project.

Resource Evaluation Group, annual drilling plans
BHP Billiton (Iron Ore)

Plans were developed in Microsoft Project on a yearly basis for BHPB’s Resource Evaluation Group (REG) group. These plans were updated, tracked and reported on a regular basis.

Automatic Train Operation (ATO) Trial
Rio Tinto

Developed, updated and tracked plans for Rio Tinto’s successful Automatic Train Operation Trial project in Microsoft Projects. This project has now been implemented in the Pilbara as the 'Auto Haul' system.

FRCP & HSE Compliance
BHP Billiton (Olympic Dam)

Developed plans for the Fatal Risk Compliance Protocol & Health System Environment Compliance project. The tracking and reporting of this project in South Australia was done remotely from Perth, Western Australia.

Port Hedland HSE Department Yearly Plans
BHP Billiton (Iron Ore)

The Health Safety and Environment department represented and tracked progress of their annual work using Microsoft Project. We assisted them with the planning and tracking of their annual work load.

Business Improvement Initiatives
BHP Billiton (Iron Ore)

Business Improvement initiatives were planned annually at BHP Billiton. These initiatives were represented in Microsoft Project plans and their progress tracked utilising our proprietary software.

Dust Management System Implementation
BHP Billiton (Iron Ore)

Developed the Dust Management System Implementation plans in Port Hedland using Microsoft Project. These plans were updated, tracked and reported on using our proprietary software.

Safety System & Operations Monitoring
Newmont Mining Corporation (Waihi Gold Operation)

Waihi Gold operations purchased our proprietary project reporting tool to assist with the implementation of their Safety System plans which we developed in Microsoft Project. The Martha Mine eventually utilised our plan tracking and reporting tool to monitor the progress of various other parts of their operations.

Year 2000 Compliance

Assisted ALCOA with the Year 2000 compliance plan preparation & testing using our proprietary project reporting tool.

Newman Safety System Implementation & Continuous Improvement
BHP Billiton (Iron Ore)

Instrumental in the development of the Newman Safety System plan and its implementation. Continued to assist BHP with their yearly safety evaluation and improvement process until 1999. These plans were developed in Microsoft Project.

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